Traffic Law Enforcement/ and Municipal By-Laws
Oversee & Monitor of Fire Bridge Act No. 99 of 1987
Maintenance of sports field, and recreational facilities
Custodian of Operation Sukuma Sakhe functionality
Bookings of Municipal Halls
Issuing of driver’s licences, and learners
Custodian of Disaster Management Act No. 57 of 2002
Cutting and pruning of trees in public and open spaces
Compile a report for Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)
Maintenance of Municipal Halls and Libraries
Testing of vehicle’s road wealthiness
Oversee & Monitoring of Endumeni Fire prevention By-Laws,
Cutting of grass and maintenance of veggies
Coordinate sector meetings for youth empowerment programmes
Providing information to the members of the public through libraries services
Testing of drivers
Law enforcement administration
Develop and Implement Fire Incidents prevention strategies
Cleaning of illegal dumping zones
Coordinate sports activities with DSAC and Local Federations
Assisting elderly people with information through books in libraries
Municipal Animal Pound management
Establish and mange the local disaster centre functionality
Refuse removal, collection in the CBDs, residential areas and in the informal settlement
Coordinate Special Programmes which include Gender Base Violence, People Living with Disability, People Living with HIV/Aids, and Senior Citizens functions
Provide Internet Services to the members of the public and to students
Road marking and repairing road signs,
Conduct Intergovernmental Programmes (Roadblocks
First responder in cases of Fire and Disaster incidents
Operation and maintenance of the Landfill site
Convene meeting with local taxi associations
Climate Change Management monitoring, and conduct awareness
Climate Change Management and conduct awareness campaigns
Escorting of trucks with abnormal load, VIP, marches, and funerals
Co-ordinate all stakeholders in case of disaster
Bookings, maintenance & digging of graves in the graveyards
School Awareness Campaigns
Authorise the directions in case of disaster incidents
Searching & allocation of graves
Develop and analyse Disaster Risk Assessment and provide corrective majors
Maintenance & cleaning of public conveniences facilities
Coordination & Implementation of Waste Management,
Support of Waste Recycling Projects