First ever Career Expo held at Wasbank

Endumeni Local Municipality in collaborations with the Government Communication (GCIS), The Department of Labour magnificently hosted the first ever career expo in Wasbank where a number of young people from Wasbank and surrounding areas came in full capacity geared up to learn about the possible opportunities offered to their careers. 

The expo was not only used a platform to showcase career opportunities for the young people but it was also used to assist and expose them to variety of careers they can follow. High school learners from Grade 11- Grade 12, out of school and unemployed youth and graduates were also present in the expo.

Addressing the youth Miss Zandile Ngcobo from Department of Labour told young people that they must have passion for their future and be hungrier to seek for available opportunities which will make them better citizens. “The opportunities are there for you as young people. It is the matter of yourself taking one step ahead of your career to fulfil your dream. Indeed anything is possible if you believe,” added Zandile Ngcobo.

The career expo was a stimulating and interactive event packed with information sessions from various government departments and life couching tips aimed at giving young people an inspiring insight into different careers for their livelihoods. Young people were encouraged to register their CVs on the job market and municipal database including the Department of Labour database.

Excited young pupil from Busi high school, Kwanele Zwane was very confident that the career expo brought much needed support to his dream to become the Pilot. “The programme is helping us as young people since we have been told about bursary opportunities that are available to us to fulfil our dream career. I have received mouthful information including the necessary forms to begin with applications going forward,” said Kwanele Zwane.

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